Expected Impact
European innovation
INNO4GRAPH will contribute to European innovation in the decommissioning field by developing Innovative tools and methods with a high potential for take-up by operators thanks to their participation in the project.
Safety risk management
INNO4GRAPH methods, mock-ups and tools developed will significantly contribute to mitigating safety risks to the extraction and handling of graphite.
INNO4GRAPH will contribute to improve the efficiency of the waste management in dismantling projects by providing innovative tools dedicated to the characterisation of the installation before their dismantling. 3D simulations will also help to define the most adapted scenario with regards to various issues, including waste.
INNO4GRAPH will have an economic impact, by providing new tools and methods that will be more effective and correspond to the needs of dismantling operators, thus decreasing the associated costs.
Growth of businesses
The INNO4GRAPH tools and methods, brought closer to the market thanks to this project, will generate both new businesses and growth of existing businesses in the field. Partners developing new tools and models will, in the future, directly or indirectly sell new services and tools to the graphite reactor operators (whereof a majority are partners in the consortium) and thereby generate increased revenues and contribute to the creation of new jobs.