INNO4GRAPH – INNOvative tools FOR dismantling of GRAPHite moderated nuclear reactors
All power plants have a finite life beyond which it is not economically feasible to operate them. In this case, they need to be decommissioned, cleaned up and demolished. The EU-funded INNO4GRAPH project will develop a set of tools and methods for graphite reactor dismantling operations, both before the actual dismantling operations (for decision-making and characterization of the graphite) and during the dismantling (for optimal extraction of the graphite). The project’s tools and methods will be put to the test at a full-scale graphite power plant demonstrator in Chinon, France, in 2022, facilitating their uptake and further development. The participation of the main European graphite reactor operators in the consortium will launch an era of excellence in the graphite reactor decommissioning field.