End-user group
An end-user group has been setup in the beginnig of the project, to take into account the specificities of graphite NPPs which are not partners in the project and ensure a broad applicability of INNO4GRAPH results, To this aim, specific end-user workshops are organised during the project.
Currently, the following operators have signed an NDA with the project to be part of the end-user group:
- The Lithuanian graphite NPP operator of the Ignalina power plant (IAE)
- The Japan Atomic Power Company – JAPC
The goal of IAE is to become an expert on safe and efficient nuclear facility decommissioning and radioactive waste management. As such, is actively working on the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power plant (INPP), which operated two RBMK-type reactors, including the handling of radioactive waste to ensure that the future generations do not have to carry the unreasonable burden of radioactive waste management.
To find out more about IAE, please click here.
The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) was established in November 1957 as a power company solely engaged in nuclear energy in Japan. Since then, JAPC has continued to play a leading role in the electric power industry as a pioneer in nuclear power generation through various projects, including the construction of the first commercial nuclear power plant in Japan (gas-cooled reactor with graphite moderator) and the construction, operation and decommissioning of power plants.
To find out more about the JAPC, please click here.
Technical advisor
The SNETP Executive Committee has appointed a person (Abderrahim Al Mazouzi) to acts as advisor for the project and as interface with SNETP and its stakeholders. To ensure that the project research is in line with the strategic objectives of SNETP, the advisor will be invited to project consortium meetings and will be asked for advice on research and innovation in INNO4GRAPH.
To find out more about the SNETP, please click here.